TeWaoriki @ Carlton School
Friday, 16 November 2012
On Tuesday the senior school had their athletics. At nine o'clock the entire senior school had to meet on the field and get into our age group. The activities were high jump, long jump, shot put, vortex, sprints and long distance. Here is a little slide show that Mrs Larsen made, it has pictures of some of the things we did at athletics.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Assembly Item
On Friday our class performed a class item in assembly. Our item was Two Pigs a Wolf and a Mud Pie. Our four main characters were Tarron who was Ima, Keylen who was Tic, then we had Jake who was Tac and Kahu who was Toe. Then we had the co characters they were Casey who was Snow White, Caleb who was Cinderella, Cole who was Hansel and Joshua who was Gretel. Also Brandin who was the wicked witch. Me and Isaiah were the prop people we were also the people who had to come up with the music and the dance moves, the song we chose was I got a good feeling by Avicci. It was for scene three which was at a festive ball. We also had dwarves who came out of Snow White's house. After our Item I felt stoked that we did the whole thing perfectly.
Friday, 9 November 2012
One of our contract activity's was to create a Wordle using words to show how you would feel if you won the co2 car race between Room's fifteen, six and five. Here is mine.
Friday, 2 November 2012
Week 3 Reflection
WHAT: This week we learnt two new Maori phrase which is Homai te and Homai to. Homai to means pass me your..... and Homai te means pass the....... Also this week we started swimming in the school swimming pool pretty much every day we have gone swimming. This week we also went down to Springvale stadium to learn more skills to have while you are playing badminton. When we were there we were taught how to use the back hand hit. After that we had a mini tournament where it was one on one, if you lost you had to go back one half of the court but if you won you had to go forward half a court. Our habit of mind is taking responsible risks for an activity we chose a character out of book that is a risk taker and if they are a responsible risk taker or if they are a irresponsible risk taker.Also my goal last week was to listen more to people if they are talking to me.
SO WHAT: This week I found out all of the things your bike needs to pass a bike safety test. I also learnt that Tarron could be a swim suit model when he grows up.
NOW WHAT:Next week I hope to do more activities on taking responsible risks. I also want to go swimming. My goal next week is to concentrate on my work.
SO WHAT: This week I found out all of the things your bike needs to pass a bike safety test. I also learnt that Tarron could be a swim suit model when he grows up.
NOW WHAT:Next week I hope to do more activities on taking responsible risks. I also want to go swimming. My goal next week is to concentrate on my work.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Risky Characters
For our habits of mind we have been learning about taking responsible risks. For an activity we chose a character out of a book and explained whether it was a responsible risk or a irresponsible risk.
Dennis The Menace
I think that Dennis the Menace takes irresponsible risks by sneaking into his neighbours house and setting up booby traps. I think it is irresponsible because he could really hurt someone and could get into lots of trouble.
Dennis The Menace

I think that Dennis the Menace takes irresponsible risks by sneaking into his neighbours house and setting up booby traps. I think it is irresponsible because he could really hurt someone and could get into lots of trouble.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Bike Safety
Yesterday we had a visit from Constable Val. When she arrived she asked the class who had brought their bike. Casey was the only one. After that she asked us who had one and mostly everyone put their hands up. Constable Val asked Casey to go and grab his helmet. When he brought it in she told us a story about a boy in Pamerston North that fell of his bike and didn't have a helmet on. The boy got brain damage, it damaged the the places in his head that make him eat and chew. Finally it was time for Casey to bring his bike into the classroom. When he brought it in she told us that every bike has a serial number on the bottom so if it ever gets stolen you can go to the police station, give your name and the serial number. After that we went over all of the things a bike is supposed to have.
Friday, 26 October 2012
Week 2 Reflection
WHAT: This week we went to badminton for our first time this term. When we arrived there we did some stretches then we had to get a buddy for the game we were about to play. We all got a number and each side of the court had to go back to the white line at the end of the court. When ever our number was called we had to quickly run to the middle of the court and grab a shuttle cock. This week we also made a picture of Wanganui, first we drew it in our art books and then we transferred it on to our piece of paper for the calendar pictures.When we had finished pencil drawing onto our good copy we went over it with vivid, then finally it was time to dye our art. My behaviour goal is to listen to people when they are talking to me and I think that I have done good this week with it. Also our habit of mind is taking responsible risks.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt that Rippa Rugby is quite hard as a team and people sometimes don't want to pass.
I also learnt in badminton that it is hard facing Isaiah.
NOW WHAT: Next week I hope to do better with my learning goal which is to be at where I'm supposed to be in writing. Also next week I hope to do more activities in reading.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt that Rippa Rugby is quite hard as a team and people sometimes don't want to pass.
I also learnt in badminton that it is hard facing Isaiah.
NOW WHAT: Next week I hope to do better with my learning goal which is to be at where I'm supposed to be in writing. Also next week I hope to do more activities in reading.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Rippa Rugby
Last week we got a visit from two guys that were coming to teach us how to play rippa rugby. When we got to the field he got us to put a belt and some rips on. Then we played a game where we had to listen to his commands while we were running around sometimes he would yell catch which meant we had to jump up and act as if we were catching a rugby ball. The second command was to spin around as if there was a opponent in front of you. The third command was to run and then drop onto the ground. We also then played a game where had to focus on our passing we had to keep our stance as if we were playing the piano. Who ever got to five won. After that we played a game of one on one rippa but some times he would call out two numbers at the same time.
My Contract
One of our contract activities is we need to create our own brand for our Co2 Car. We had to also design a logo to go with our brand, this is mine.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
This week we started a new maths focus, it is geometry. For our first activity we made a picture out of shapes in Microsoft word this is my robot.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Chinese Students Slideshow
A couple of weeks ago we made a slide show about the Chinese students that came into our class. While they were here we learnt how to write our names in Chinese and count to twenty. Mine and Isaiah's buddy was Allen. This is my slide show I hope you like.
Holiday Art Picture
Carefully I switched on the xbox and slowly put my
xbox game in. Then I sat down and it was time to get button bashing “Yah I have
finally won against you” I had been having a winning streak until my cousin
came over and absolutely crushed me. But after he left I was back into my
amazing winning streak.
My Prezi About Weightlifting
A couple of weeks ago we made a prezi about either weightlifting,rowing, cycling,boxing,hockey,swimming or running. I chose weightlifting and this is my prezi i hope you like.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Week 10 Reflection
WHAT: This week on Monday all of they year 6's went to Wanganui Intermediate. At W.I.S we learnt how to make wooden bay blades, apple tarts and in Science the student used Bunsen Burners and burnt crystals. Also in robotics we played spinning tops on the computer. This week we also went to Palmerston North to watch a Capital E show called Magnolia Street and also the Lido Pool. Also we made a scribble picture to go with our poems about either a feeling, a season or a colour they look fantastic. My goal on the success- o- metre is help others when they ask for help I think I've done pretty good with it.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt how to make beautiful apple tarts and they were delicious. I shared one with Ms McAvoy, I also learnt how to make an awesome wooden bay blade that can spin for a long time. I also learnt that the Esplanade is a very cool park. I really liked the trampolines there. This week I also learnt a website called Edmodo which we will now be doing all of our work on.
NOW WHAT Next week I hope to do more art and also do some more work on Edmodo. Next week my goal is to finish all of my work and hand it in on time to be marked.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt how to make beautiful apple tarts and they were delicious. I shared one with Ms McAvoy, I also learnt how to make an awesome wooden bay blade that can spin for a long time. I also learnt that the Esplanade is a very cool park. I really liked the trampolines there. This week I also learnt a website called Edmodo which we will now be doing all of our work on.
NOW WHAT Next week I hope to do more art and also do some more work on Edmodo. Next week my goal is to finish all of my work and hand it in on time to be marked.
Friday, 7 September 2012
Week 8 Reflection
WHAT: This week we had a visit from Andrew Little. When he arrived we did a haka powhiri for him and sang te aroha then it was time for questions. This week we also had a another visitor . To come and talk to us about eating healthy and reading labels to check if it is healthy.We also went to New World today to do an activity on label reading we had to find an every day food and a occasional food it was fantastic.For gathering data through all senses one of the things we did was to make a poem about either a colour a feeling or a season.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt how to read labels and to check how much sugar and fat that food and drinks really have in them. I also learnt a science experiment which needs milk,food colouring, a bowl and dish washing liquid. This week i learnt some of the words to we are the champions.
NOW WHAT: Next week i hope to do p.e and for it to not rain through the whole week. Next week it is going to be fantastic because we have the Carlton school olympics.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt how to read labels and to check how much sugar and fat that food and drinks really have in them. I also learnt a science experiment which needs milk,food colouring, a bowl and dish washing liquid. This week i learnt some of the words to we are the champions.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Spelling Rules
Short and long u vowel sounds.
Next to each word identify if the word has a short or a long u
punch-short fruit-long threw-long
you-long through-short who-short
blue-long rude-long
duck-short rub-short
bug-short dull-short
us-short stew-long
Next to each word identify if the word has a short or a long u
punch-short fruit-long threw-long
you-long through-short who-short
blue-long rude-long
duck-short rub-short
bug-short dull-short
us-short stew-long
Friday, 10 August 2012
Reading Activity
Te Waoriki’s Writing activity
Book: Beans
Main ideas in the paragraphs.
P1.Every Saturday in the winter term he bike's into town to play rugby.
P2. On the way in, he doesn’t get a chance to look around him.
P3. But its great to go off to rugby.
P4.By the time he gets there he's really puffing.
P5.Sometimes it’s cold and muddy.
P6.Then after the game he strip's off and get's under the shower.
P7.He get's a drink from the dairy across the road.
P8.The going home is the best part of all.
P9.He sees all sorts of people in the gardens.
P10.Past all the gardens, about 2 kilometres from where he live's, there’s this fairly steep rise.
P11.Just as he start's picking up speed on the down slope he get's this whiff of pigs.
P12. And as he goes whizzing down the stretch on his bike, he does this sniff up, a great big sniff.
P13.He's got this book in his liabry at school.
P14. It’s not far to his place after he's taken the straights.
P15.The lemmons on his tree are as sour as sour.
P16. They have an old lady living next to them.
By Te Waoriki.
Week 4 Reflection
WHAT: This week we found out what our new habit of mind is it was gathering data through all senses. Also this week we got a visit from Ms O'connors brother, he is from the army. When he came to our class he showed us some videos of road side bombs. The second day he came he took the class outside to teach us some drills that he uses during attacks. The first one he showed us was called pepper potting. Pepper potting is when you are getting fired at.Two of the soldiers shoot firstly, one of the soldiers drop back five passes and then yell out move a couple times. The next drill was when you are protecting your boss and he is shot. There are four soldiers surrounding him and all four soldiers drop back into cover to work out a plan to go and save your boss. After you have decided on a plan you must run and two of you pick him up and the other two cover them by shooting at the enemy. We also went to gym it was fantastic I really enjoyed doing all of the obstacles. We also got a visit from a man from the ASB bank to talk to us about money.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt that if you use your credit card your'e actually using the banks money that you have to pay back. I also learnt that it is good to save money but it is also good to spend some. I also learnt that Ian Fergusson won six gold medals and four silver medals. This week I think I did pretty good on my behavior goal witch is helping others when they ask for help.
NOW WHAT: Next week I hope to get a hundred percent on my spelling test.Also next week hope to do buddy art. I must edit my work myself before taking it to the teacher.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt that if you use your credit card your'e actually using the banks money that you have to pay back. I also learnt that it is good to save money but it is also good to spend some. I also learnt that Ian Fergusson won six gold medals and four silver medals. This week I think I did pretty good on my behavior goal witch is helping others when they ask for help.
NOW WHAT: Next week I hope to get a hundred percent on my spelling test.Also next week hope to do buddy art. I must edit my work myself before taking it to the teacher.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Close Reading
Fill in the blanks below with words from this box:
| |||
red .
scarecrows .
September .
| |
Fall, which is also called ___autum________, is the ___season_________ when the leaves change_____________ color and fall to the _ground______________. In North America, it is also the season when kids head _____back_________ to school.
The Weather
Fall begins with warm weather in ___Septenber___________, but as the season continues into _October_____________ and November________________, the sun ___sets__________ earlier and earlier everyday and the weather becomes ______chilly_________. And so, people put away their shorts and t-shirts and take out their __sweaters____________ and coats_____________.
The Harvest
In fall, ______farmers______ are busy working in their fields. They have to _________harvest_____ their crops before the cold of winter comes. _____pumpkins_______, now big and orange, are ready for making pies. _______corn_______ quickly ripens on the cob. Wine makers pick their plump, juicy, purple ___grapes____________ from the vine. _scarecrowas______________ stand guard in the fields to keep the ______crows________ from stealing the crops _before_____________ the farmers can gather them.
| |||
The Country
If you are fortunate, you can visit the _country___________ in the fall and see the spectacular ____foliage__________ on the trees as the leaves change to _yellow____________, ___orange_________, brown, and ___red___________. Overhead, birds are ___migrating____________, heading south to their winter homes.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Spelling Rules
Short and long o vowel sound
Next to each word identify if the word has a short or long o vowel sound.
bottle-short post-long fog-short
dog-short toast-long slow-long
hot-short hope-long go-long
knock-sort gold-short both-long
gone-short cross-short rot-short
soap-long not-short toe-long
Word of the Week
Crook is a noun
Crook means criminal, thief
Synonyms for crook are cheat,rogue,villain,robber
Antonyms for crook are police,law
sentences The crook broke in and stole all of the money from the cash register.
The evil villain set bombs all around the city.
Crook means criminal, thief
Synonyms for crook are cheat,rogue,villain,robber
Antonyms for crook are police,law
sentences The crook broke in and stole all of the money from the cash register.
The evil villain set bombs all around the city.
Friday, 3 August 2012
Week 3 Reflection
WHAT: This week we did some art. For art we did some finger print painting. Some people did things related to the olympics and some people just did what ever they wanted. Also this week we went over to Room 12 to teach them how to make a terrific backround for a finger print bug picture.First they needed to choose a first colour, after that our buddy needed to choose a second colour to blend with the first colour. Finally it was time to let them dry off. This we got a new habit of mined whitch is Thinking and communicating with clarity and presicion. My behavior goal this term is to help people when they ask for help. I think that I have done pretty good at it.
SO WHAT: This week i learnt it doesn't matter how big or small you are you can still win a gold medal. I also learnt that New Zealand have a Fantasic rowing team. When they won I felt pretty devastated for Italy and Slovinia.
NOW WHAT: Next week i hope to do P.E and more I.T. Also my goal next week is to improve on my behavior goal.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Free Writing
W.A.L.T: Write paragraphs correctly.
Suddenly a giant elephant was flying in the sky talking to people wompa and a evil witch had cast a spell on him which made him talk and fly. He was spotted by a zoo keeper that was feeding a lion when it bit his arm off and gobbled it down like it was roast chicken. blood was flying every where.Other zoo keepers came to help but the lion had escaped it was total terra.
Twenty years later mostly every one in that city had been killed by all of the raging animals.Out of no where a green slimy beast came flying out of the air like it was a rocket it was a disaster the whole city was under attack. Suddenly a swarm of rats came out of the drains and ate all of the takeaways in town."Cut this isn't right" Then the sas came in but they were no match for what was going on in that city. But a little boy crawled out of the suer covered in poo,toilet paper and pee.
Suddenly a giant elephant was flying in the sky talking to people wompa and a evil witch had cast a spell on him which made him talk and fly. He was spotted by a zoo keeper that was feeding a lion when it bit his arm off and gobbled it down like it was roast chicken. blood was flying every where.Other zoo keepers came to help but the lion had escaped it was total terra.
Twenty years later mostly every one in that city had been killed by all of the raging animals.Out of no where a green slimy beast came flying out of the air like it was a rocket it was a disaster the whole city was under attack. Suddenly a swarm of rats came out of the drains and ate all of the takeaways in town."Cut this isn't right" Then the sas came in but they were no match for what was going on in that city. But a little boy crawled out of the suer covered in poo,toilet paper and pee.
My Writing Activity/Bubbl Us
For Felts writing activity we made a bubble us about something we did in the holidays. This is mine i hope you like it.
Monday, 16 July 2012
My Holiday Story
In the holidays when my ten year old cousin came up to my house I noticed a nerf package in his hand, he had brought a long shot pack nerf gun set. It had two guns and a dart vest, when we opened up the package we loaded the guns and straped on the vest. We were finally ready for war, I ran to hide behind the car but he notice me and shot me in the back of the head. After he had shot me he ran off and was nowhere to be found. Suddenly out of nowhere my cousin jumped out of the tree and shot but he missed so i quickly shot and it stuck to his vest. So then I chased him, all I needed to do was shoot him and I would win. As I shot him, he dodged it and the bullet went over the bank. He shot me in the chest and won the game.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
About Stars
When you look at the sky during night you might see many stars. If you are camping in the mountains or the desert away from the cities bright lights you may see thousands of stars. You might even be able to see a milky way. In a city you can't see as many stars because the city lights are to bright. Their brightness distracts from the stars. There are different kinds of stars, there are big stars, little stars and also a couple of stars have been found over 100 to 200 times larger then the sun. Some very old stars are smaller then Earth. Scientists study stars and place them in groups based on how they are alike and how they are different. At the end of stars lives they explode into what is called a Supernova here are some pictures.

Frank Bunce
0n Friday 16 th may Frank Bunce the former All Black came to our school to talk to us about the Westpac fundraising appeal. Also a Westpac helicopter pilot came to talk to us about `where he has to go to save people and how long he had been saving people's lives and that they are risking their own lives to rescue people. We also had a man from Westpac Bank that gave us a Westpac bag and a rugby ball signed by Frank. After that the rippa team got to go do a few passing drills with him and also got a picture. We also got his signature on a piece of paper.
Striving For Accuracy
A couple of weeks ago we drew a picture of when we strove for accuracy. Mine is about when I was playing soccer the first time I kicked the ball I missed, but the next time round I scored. Here is my picture.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Room 15's Assembly Item
On Friday Room 15 did an item at assembly. For our item we did a play called Once Upon a 100 Years Nap which is about Sleeping Beauty and how her mother in law comes to stay and is not very happy about what is going on. She hires her evil friend Daisy to turn Mr Roberts the butler into a cat, Made Jules the maid into a frog and Sleeping Beauty's friend Sandy man into to a bucket of sand. In the play I was Sandy Man Sleeping Beauty's friend. I was meant to have a meeting with her about the fantastic mattresses that she had made and to hopefully open up a factory. I think that the play was amazing. Here is a video. I hope you like it.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
My Inquiry Glog
For inquiry we have been focusing on whats out there. First we were taught a bit about day and night and why we have seasons, then we created glogs to show what we had learnt. Here is mine I hope you like it.
Monday, 28 May 2012
Going to Rutherfod
Today we went to Rutherford Junior High for P.E and music. For our warm up in P.E we played monster ball monster. Monster ball is when you have a huge ball in the middle and four teams. The aim is to try and get the huge ball to cross the other teams line and into their territory by throwing dodge balls at it. In music we focused on drums. For the first bit of music we talked about music notes then Mr Berryman showed us all of the different types of drums. After looking at the drums we were shown a video clip of a guy playing this really weird cajon drum then we were allowed to play on the instruments. It was t-riffic.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Rutherfod Junior High
Today we went to Rutherford junior high at Rutherford we did some p.e and also some music. For p.e we played a game called German Warfare and also played badminton, for badminton we focused on just serving it to our partner. To play German Warfare you have to have a soft ball and two taggers and the aim is to get all of the rest of the people out. Our focus for music was to start to play a song as a group, in my group was Cole, Keylen, Me and Tepairangi I played the drums our song sounded fantasic.
Monday, 14 May 2012
Making 3d bugs
A couple of weeks ago room 15 made some 3d reading bugs. We could either choose a caterpillar, a spider, a lady bug and an ant first we had to choose which bug we wanted. Then we had to go over it with the colour we wanted it to be then we had to let it dry after we had done that we had to make sure that you couldn't see any bits of the egg carton, if there were none then we could start putting patterns on them. Also after we had done patterns on them we could get some pipe cleaners and start to make legs and antennas . After we had gotten them the way we wanted them we had to glue the legs on with a hot glue gun and Mrs Larsen stabbed holes in for the antennas and also glued crazy eyes for its eyes.
Friday, 11 May 2012
Week 3 Reflection
WHAT: This week Mrs Larsen showed us some Picasso drawings two of them were drawn by kids and they looked fantastic then we drew some Picasso pictures ourselves, first we drew a couple and then were allowed to do a good copy of it. We also had to finish all of our book covers,post cards and toilet roll people and all of our unfinished work the people that had finished all of thier work were allowed to play cup stacking with the cups and timer that Mrs Larsen had brought for the class. Also this week we went to our buddy class which is Room 12 there we showed our buddies how to draw some Picasso faces. We also had a visit from our other buddy class and taught them how to make a post on there blog, post comments and how to make a wordle.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt how to kind of draw Picasso faces. I also learnt that if you can't understand what your buddy is writing ask them what they're writing. Also I learnt how to properly do some different stratagies in maths.
NOW WHAT: Next week I hope to get my work finished on time and not have to stay in. I also hope that it doesn't rain.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt how to kind of draw Picasso faces. I also learnt that if you can't understand what your buddy is writing ask them what they're writing. Also I learnt how to properly do some different stratagies in maths.
NOW WHAT: Next week I hope to get my work finished on time and not have to stay in. I also hope that it doesn't rain.
Friday, 4 May 2012
Week 2 Reflection
What: This week we made some 3d reading bugs, first we had to choose which bug we wanted, then we had to paint and let them dry. After that we were allowed to stick legs on, the legs were made out pipe cleaners we could either make a caterpillar,an ant, a spider or a lady bug they look fantastic. We also started drafting our post cards to some of the other countries around the world. We also started on a new book cover for our favourite book. First we had to draft what we wanted it to look like, it wasn't allowed to copy the origional book cover, we had to make it different. Another thing we did was choose a character out of our favorite book and create him out of a toilet roll. We also went to Rutherford Junior High School , at Ruderthod we played p.e and also went into the music and played on the keyboards and the guitars.
So What: This week I was reminded about making a book cover and what we needed to have on them. I also learnt more about playing the guitar and keyboard. We also learnt a new game called monster ball, monster ball is when you have a giant ball in the middle and have four teams around it and the goal is to try get the ball to the your opponents line.
Now What: Next week I hope to be able to play the teachers organised game I also hope to find out who I'm writing to. I hope it's Italy.
So What: This week I was reminded about making a book cover and what we needed to have on them. I also learnt more about playing the guitar and keyboard. We also learnt a new game called monster ball, monster ball is when you have a giant ball in the middle and have four teams around it and the goal is to try get the ball to the your opponents line.
Now What: Next week I hope to be able to play the teachers organised game I also hope to find out who I'm writing to. I hope it's Italy.
Friday, 27 April 2012
My Holiday PMI
Plus: Going strawberry picking at Windermere Gaardens.
Spending Easter weekend at my family reunion.
Meeting my Uncle from Invercargill that I’ve never met before.
Going to the fishing competition out at south beach with my koro and uncle.
Staying at my aunties house up at the Marae.
Minus: Catching a fish on the wrong day and not getting a prize for it.
Playing spotlight at Kowhai Park and getting lost.
Stepping in cow poo and sheep poo after getting over the fence.
Staying at home half of the holidays and being bored out of my brains.
Having to go to my Nanas house for the weekend and watching boring programs.
Interesting: Going on the Jet Ski and tipping off and landing in the river.
Riding motor bikes along south beach and nearly falling off them.
Going to New Plymouth with my Mum and sister to see my auntie and uncle.
Watching people leap off of the town bridge into the river.
Getting lost in the West Field Mall and freaking out.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Reading Activity
A couple of weeks ago our reading group read a story called Tuatara and Mango the shark. After reading the story we had to pick a bit out of the story and draw a picture about it. This is mine, I hope you like it.
Becoming A Prime Minister
Today we were shown a new website called Explore Parliament on that website we were allowed to play a game about becoming a Prime Minister. On that game you had to go to debates and play really cool games it was fantastic you also are given a elf name.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Making Graphs
Today Isaiah showed the class a new program called Excel, on Excel we made a graph about Room 15's favourite colours. First Isaiah taught us how to make a graph, then we were allowed to make our own ones it was fantastic. These are mine I hope you like them.
Monday, 2 April 2012
My Gloster
A couple of weeks ago Mrs Larsen showed us a website called glogster. After Mrs Larsen showed Room 15 the website she asked us to make a glog about commenting correctly on blogs. This is mine I hope you like it.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Where I Live
Wonderful place to come and to live and wonderful people to talk to.
Have fantastic marae's to come and see/go on waka's on the river.
Awesome museum and art gallery learn about Whanganui.
Nice caring mayor called Annett Main.
Great lake called Virginia lake where you can take a walk around and see all of the birds.
Amazing Oprea house for consert's and plays.
Nice safe and friendly policeman and local government.
U can stay at teriffiic beautiful motels.
It has a river running right through the middle of the town called the Whanganui river.
Have fantastic marae's to come and see/go on waka's on the river.
Awesome museum and art gallery learn about Whanganui.
Nice caring mayor called Annett Main.
Great lake called Virginia lake where you can take a walk around and see all of the birds.
Amazing Oprea house for consert's and plays.
Nice safe and friendly policeman and local government.
U can stay at teriffiic beautiful motels.
It has a river running right through the middle of the town called the Whanganui river.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Week 7 Reflection
SO WHAT: This week I learnt why they had the pattern in the whare at Putiki Marae.I also learnt about what it's like being a policeman.
NOW WHAT: Next week my goal is to get all of my work done on time and also wave out to police driving past.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
PMI About Rules/Laws
They keep every living thing safe because people have to follow these laws and if they don't follow them they get punished.
All of the rules are obeyed by the community
I think some of the rule are unfair and are just stupid.
I think some of the laws are just pointless.
Not all of the laws and rules are obeyed by the community
The community thinks some of them are pointless.
People protest about it.
They keep every living thing safe because people have to follow these laws and if they don't follow them they get punished.
All of the rules are obeyed by the community
I think some of the rule are unfair and are just stupid.
I think some of the laws are just pointless.
Not all of the laws and rules are obeyed by the community
The community thinks some of them are pointless.
People protest about it.
Rules and Laws - What's the difference?
A rule is...something that a group of people have to follow and is not enforced by police or government but maybe by a group of people. Rules are just something that you have to stick to but cannot get prosecuted by not doing so.
If drunk driving was never a law millions of people around the world would die. The world would be to dangerous to live in.
A law is... a legal title that you must obey. Laws are enforced by the police and government.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Week 6 Reflection
WHAT: This week we had a reliever for Thursday and Friday our reliever was Mrs Coneglan To day we did some basic fact's and also did spelling and after spelling we were a loud to play a game on spelling city. We started on making our class treaty and in a couple of weeks where going down to the bee hive and the police college museum. We also coloured in some little people and put rules on them for our waka on the wall and put rules on the padals then we coloured them in.
SO WHAT: This week I was reminded about my division and spelling words. I also learnt how to make a super hero on hero factory.
NOW WHAT: Next week I want to be more sensible and not laugh and be stupid around my friends.
SO WHAT: This week I was reminded about my division and spelling words. I also learnt how to make a super hero on hero factory.
NOW WHAT: Next week I want to be more sensible and not laugh and be stupid around my friends.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Purple cake Day
Purple cake day is a day to set aside and celebrate and globally fun raise for those in need.
Today we celebrated purple cake day.After lunch we went and met our buddy class room 9 and we did some finger painting. After we did finger painting we washed our hands and Mrs McAvoy choose the two best finger paintings, Then we had a special treat that Mrs Larsen made for us they were yummy.She had made us cupcakes and they had purple cake day written on them.
Today we celebrated purple cake day.After lunch we went and met our buddy class room 9 and we did some finger painting. After we did finger painting we washed our hands and Mrs McAvoy choose the two best finger paintings, Then we had a special treat that Mrs Larsen made for us they were yummy.She had made us cupcakes and they had purple cake day written on them.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Our Amazing Hero Day
On Friday our school had a spirit day, our spirit was to dress up as your hero. First we had the parade to show off all of our fantastic hero's. We had Captain underpants and rugby players. We all had amazing hero's, they looked fantastically amazing. Also at assembly our class was given 20 helping hand cards for being the best dressed hero's. Mr Peterson said that he could tell who everyone had dressed as. Mrs Larsen came as Harry Potter and Mrs Whitwell came as Evel Knievel.
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Week 5 Reflection
What: This week we had our School Spirit Day. Our Spirit Day was to dress up as your hero. After morning tea we had a parade to show off what we had dressed as. We had really great costumes. Also this week we had Purple Cake Day. After lunch we went to our buddy class Room 9. First we did some finger painting then we had an amazing treat that Mrs Larsen had made for us. We ate purple cupcakes. they were fantastic. Also this week the fire alarm bell went off while our class was swimming, so our class had to go to the field in our togs.
So What: This week I learnt why we celebrate Purple Cake Day. I also learnt about my buddy in Room 9. I also learnt about a new website called ixl.com
Now What: Next week I would like to finish my whole basic facts sheet and get my work finished in time.
So What: This week I learnt why we celebrate Purple Cake Day. I also learnt about my buddy in Room 9. I also learnt about a new website called ixl.com
Now What: Next week I would like to finish my whole basic facts sheet and get my work finished in time.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Beach Safety
Last week Rooms Fifteen, Five, Four and Six went on a trip to Castlecliff Beach for a beach safety program, teaching kids how to be safe at the beach. First we watched a video telling some simple rules about being at the beach like always having some one over sixteen watching you while you swim. Next we went out and played a game of seaweed the we had some lunch. After that we got into our togs and had a class relay one of the life guards hoped on to our class team. Then we were ready to hop into the water, we did dolphin diving and a lot more fantastic activities. We had so much fun, it was amazing.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Week 4 Reflection
WHAT: This week for the two first days we had a reliever..Also this week we went to Castlecliffe beach for a beach safety programme. At the beach we did a lot of fantastic things like dolphin diving we also learnt ten beach safety rules.After that we played sea weed with the life guards then we had a class relay, one of the life guards hopped on to our class team.
SO WHAT:This week I learnt more safety rules about being at the beach. I also learnt how to write codes to each other and figure it out.We made codes using shapes and numbers, it was fantastic.
NOW WHAT:Next week my goal is to listen and follow the teachers directions and to finish my work and earn more tokens.
SO WHAT:This week I learnt more safety rules about being at the beach. I also learnt how to write codes to each other and figure it out.We made codes using shapes and numbers, it was fantastic.
NOW WHAT:Next week my goal is to listen and follow the teachers directions and to finish my work and earn more tokens.
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