Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Beach Safety

Last week Rooms Fifteen, Five, Four and Six went on a trip to Castlecliff Beach for a beach safety program, teaching kids how to be safe at the beach. First we watched a video telling some simple rules about being at the beach like always having some one over sixteen watching you while you swim. Next we went out and played a game of seaweed  the we had some lunch. After that we got into our togs and had a class relay one of the life guards hoped on to our class team. Then we were ready to hop into the water, we did dolphin diving and a lot more fantastic activities. We had so much fun, it was amazing.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Week 4 Reflection

WHAT: This week for the two first days we had a reliever..Also this week we went to Castlecliffe beach for a beach safety programme. At the beach we did a lot of fantastic things like dolphin diving we also  learnt ten beach safety rules.After that we played sea weed with the life guards then we had a class relay, one of the life guards hopped on to our class team.

SO WHAT:This week I learnt more safety rules about being at the beach. I also learnt how to write codes to each other and figure it out.We made codes using shapes and numbers, it was fantastic.

NOW WHAT:Next week my goal is to listen and follow the teachers directions and to finish my work and earn more tokens.

Thursday, 16 February 2012


A couple of days ago Mrs Larsen showed us a web site  on the internet called Befunky we each created a  befunky picture.What you do is you get a picture of your self, you edit it by using the effects on Befunky I hope you like it.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


A couple of weeks ago Mrs Larsen showed us a internet web sight called Wordle, this is mine I hope you like it.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Week 1 Reflection

WHAT: This week we started back at school, on the first day back at school we were told the new rules at school. Also this week we created our lions for the  success-o-meter and our jungle on the window. We also made some  t shirts and on the the t shirts we wrote a story  about something  we did in the holidays.  On  Wednesday  we created  a picture of ourselves on revelation art also on revelation  art we made pictures of what we wanted to be when we grow up.

SO WHAT: This week I learnt about working on revelation art and I learnt more about wordles.

NO WHAT: Next week I want to get at least  one token.